Starting Your Own Valentine's Day of Compassion
Yelp is the best resource to locate nearby nursing homes. When contacting a nursing home, speak with the activities director or program director to explain that you're part of a local church that is looking for an opportunity to hold a program on Valentine's Day for their residents. Most nursing homes rarely have any programs on Valentine's Day, so your inquiry is often well-received.
Consider any factors that may fit your team better, such as language or other considerations.
If your group has a number of foreign speakers, you may want to visit a nursing home whose residents might skew towards an ethnic demographic.
There are typically different types of nursing homes:
Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF): Often referred to as "sniffs", residents in these nursing homes require care from trained nurses who are administering care based on a doctor's guidelines. Residents typically have restricted dietary needs as well as scheduled medications. Residents are typically divided between long-term and short-term care. Often short-term care residents are there for a few weeks as part of a physical therapy/rehabilitation program.
Assisted Living Facilities: Residents are able to live independently but often have common areas and services provided for them, such as dining services in a cafeteria.
We recommend planning a 1-hour program in order to give the activities director the flexibility in scheduling your visit.
Be sure to call and remind the activity director before the actual visit.
STEP 2 - LEARN about the home
Learn about the Policy and Procedures for individual home regarding:
Whether photography or videography permitted?
What the visiting hours and restrictions are?
The aspects of your program and team size.
Whether there are any specific parking rules.
STEP 3- RECRUIT your team
Gather your team, and inform them of the program, time, date. Determine the following tasks and assign them:
A gospel-centered message
Songs – any guitarist / pianist? If not, you can get an MP3 of a soundtrack.
You should generally make most of the crafts ahead of time and pass them out because residents are often unable to actively participate. Crafts with a simple finishing step that the resident can personalize are good ideas. (e.g., a simple flower arrangement in which the resident's name can be imprinted onto the potholder with scrapbook material.)
Large-print bibles, bookmarks, books, gospel tracts
See this comprehensive equipment list
If you want to include a dramatic element in your program, remember to keep it simple and demonstrative. Don't rely too much on talking or narration, as it maybe difficult for residents to follow.
STEP 4 - prepare your team
We recommend spending a few hours with your team to educate them about the facility and kinds of people they will meet.
Residents may have unpredictable reactions to your team's presence. Always be cordial and accommodating to their preferences.
Many residents typically have medical issues such as dementia, vision/hearing impairment, or challenged motor skills. We recommend reviewing a presentation on dementia to help your team adjust to this new environment.
Review the Do's and Don't Guidelines
Program Elements
Songs (special songs or hymns)
2 songs before the message and 1 song after the message:
Amazing Grace (Chris Tomlin version)
Come Home Running
I Have a Hope
Your Love is Deep (with motions)
Amazing Love (with motions)
He Knows My Name
GOSPEL Message
Popular Passages for Nursing Homes
Zephaniah 3:17, 1 John 4:20, John 3:16
Popular Passage for Men’s Shelter
Prodigal Son (Luke 15)
Popular Passages for Women’s Shelter
Samaritan Woman (John 4)
Zephaniah 3:17
For nursing homes:
Decorating small flower pots with name, Bible verse and scrapbook materials
Decorating a pre-framed Bible verse with scrapbook materials
For women’s and children’s shelters:
Making beads
Frames with hearts and verses: Zephaniah 3:17, 1 John 4:20, John 3:16
Bookmarks with Bible verses
Books: Return of the Prodigal, More Than a Carpenter, Bible, Daily Bread
Socks, blankets, scarves
Transcript of the message:
Make it large print (minimum 14-point font)
Make it available for residents to keep if they want to read it.
Sample Program
Sample Nursing Home program (1 hour)
5:45 - 6:00 pm: Set up the room with sound equipment, props, stands, etc. (15 min)
6:00 - 6:10 pm: Pass out the programs (if any), introduce yourself, sing praise songs (10 min)
6:15 - 6:30 pm: Give message, may include a short skit (15 min)
6:30 - 6:40 pm: Sing final song and close in prayer. Can give invitation to accept Christ (10 min)
6:40 - 7:00 pm: Craft time, talk to individual residents, pray for them (20 min)
7:00 - 7:10 pm: Take down the equipment, and gather back to pray with the team (10-15 min)
Sample Men/Women/Children’s Shelter program (1.5 hrs)
5:45 - 6:00 pm: Set up the room with sound equipment, props, stands, etc. (15 min)
6:00 - 6:10 pm: Pass out the programs (if any), introduce yourself, sing praise songs (10 min)
6:15 - 6:30 pm: Give message, may include a short skit (15 min)
6:30 - 6:35 pm: Give testimony – should be fitting for the audience
6:40 - 6:50 pm: Sing more songs, have altar call / invitation time for prayer
6:50 - 7:10 pm: Depending on atmosphere, either play group games, have ice cream social type of “talking” time, or make crafts together
7:15 - 7:25 pm: Take down the equipment and gather back to pray with the team (10-15 min)
Do's and Don'ts
Keep talking to them if they do not want to be bothered
Give out your cell phone # or other personal contact information
Bring children to the nursing home without prior permission
Follow or take residents into their rooms
Ask for residents' names, introduce yourself, and find out about them
Smile a lot!
Ask if you can pray for them, and if they have a prayer request, pray for them
Prepare and share a 3-minute gospel presentation
Sit with them, be near them during the program
Pair up with another team member if possible