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video Messages
Luke 10:25-37
We’ve all heard about the Good Samaritan, but do we know what it really means? In this message, Brian goes through the parable of the Good Samaritan and explains how each person needs to take an active role in loving their neighbor as the Samaritan did. He shows how our greatest example of someone taking an active role to love others comes through Jesus Christ.
Matthew 4:1-11
Satan takes advantage of the times when we are weak and vulnerable to tempt us. Join us as we dive into God’s word and see how Jesus responds to these temptations.
Luke 15:11-24
Despite being lost in our sins and making a mess of our life, God is patiently waiting for us to return to Him.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Humans have a core need to be loved and in turn are made to love others. The kind of love defined in popular culture is often shallow, short-lived and one dimensional, leaving us feeling hollow and wanting. But love is much more than that. Join us to discover "What is Love", the deep and wide description of love that the Bible gives us.
Psalm 23
How do we see ourselves? How does Jesus see us? The answer to that question could have a significant impact on how we make decisions and live our lives, and whether we could satisfy our deepest longings. One of King David’s most famous psalms gives us a clue.
Matthew 19:16-22
We all have ideas (and sometimes even questions) on how to get into Heaven. These ideas and questions have been around for a long time. Join us as we take a deeper look at one instance where Jesus answered such a question about getting into heaven.
Philippians 4:4-7
In life we go through so many trials and tribulations and times when we want to complain about our lives. But no matter what happens in our life, we are commanded to give thanks to God in all circumstances.
Luke 23:32-43
Regardless of the mistakes we have made in our lives, we are forgiven by Jesus when we repent through the grace of God. Join us as Dasol explores this theme through the gospel of Luke.
Isaiah 40:30-31
Timeless is the truth that our strength fails us, whether we are young children, full of energy, or older and more advanced in years. Yet, there is a source of strength that can be constantly renewed, regardless of our circumstances. Join us as Richard unpacks a passage from Isaiah that speaks to this issue of strength and where true strength comes from.
Matthew 11:28
We are restless because even though we strive and strive, we never seem to find what we are looking for. How does one find true rest? Join us as Dennis takes a look at a timeless passage from the gospel of Matthew that explores the source of true rest, coming to Jesus as you are.
Matthew 6:9-13
Jesus teaches us how to pray, and in this prayer we get our identity, a clear purpose, and we align ourselves to God’s heart which is to be restored to him and to forgive others as we have been forgiven. Join us as Danny unpacks Matthew 6:9-13 and we learn how to pray and how to connect to the heart of God.
Matthew 6:1-6
What does it look like to connect with God and live out the purposes for which He made us? Join us today as Daryl explores this question from the lens of a famous passage from the Sermon on the Mount in which Jesus speaks on the topic of prayer, giving, and hypocrisy.
Isaiah 9:6
Isaiah prophesied that Jesus would come and that He would be called our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace and Everlasting Father. The good news is that we can personally come to know Jesus in these very specific ways. Join us as we hear from John, about how He came to know Jesus as His Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace and Everlasting Father.
Luke 12:13-21
God warns us about seeking after and becoming too attached to our possessions, wealth, and comfortable lifestyle because ultimately none of us can take even a single thing with us to the next life after we die, but rather to seek after him and what he would have us do with our lives and our possessions. Join us, as Eric, shares about the Rich Young Ruler and what lessons we can learn.
Luke 17:11-19
How can we cultivate a grateful heart? Today, we’ll explore this question through various Bible passages, including the story of one grateful leper who was healed by Jesus and returns to him with thanksgiving and praise.
Luke 16:19-31
Death is a difficult reality to think about and sometimes it’s hard to know how to process. But if death is not the end and life is just a short snippet in time compared to eternity, it is important that we consider what happens after we pass away. Join us as Carlene shares a message on what happens after death according to the Bible.
Matthew 5:1-3
Why would we want to be poor in Spirit? What does that mean? Jesus invited us to see the upside-down reality of His kingdom and to treasure what is truly valuable: poverty of spirit and a relationship with the eternal God of love. Join us as Dasol tells us about the first Beatitude that Jesus shared on His famous Sermon on the Mount, which says, “Blessed are the poor in Spirit.”
Matthew 18:10-14
According to human reasoning, 1% is an acceptable margin of loss, and anything that is not an asset is better off discarded. But God operates by different values. Join us as Carlene walks us through the parable of the lost sheep, where Jesus uses the example of a persistent shepherd to illustrate the zeal with which God seeks us.
Luke 19:1-10
Unable to gain acceptance, Zacchaeus has opted for power instead. But his life takes an unexpected turn when he meets Jesus. -- Join us as Dasol dives into the story of an exhortative tax collector whose wealth is only matched by his infamy -- yet whose deepest need, like ours, is fulfilled only in Jesus.
Matthew 14:22-33
Life contains no shortage of terrifying situations beyond our control. But we need never navigate these situations alone. Join us as Carlene walks us through this story of the disciples in a storm, and reveals how, even in the stormiest periods of our lives, we can still take heart.
Matthew 14:1-12
In today’s message, Regelyn does a character study on two very different men: the courageous and convicted John the Baptist, and the cowardly and impulsive Herod the Tetrarch. Though the former we admire and the latter we despise, we find that we can relate with both men. What can we do about the more Herod-like part of ourselves?
Mark 5:24-34
Telling the truth can be difficult. Join us as Dasol explores the story of the bleeding woman’s encounter with Jesus and how Jesus was able to invite her into a life-transforming relationship with him because she came before him with the whole story.
Matthew 15:29-31
In Jesus’ time, the lame and the blind were brought before Him for healing. In our time, the need for healing is no less urgent. But from what? Join us as Jessica reveals the area of our greatest brokenness, and Jesus’ tender response.
Mark 14:3-9
In today’s message, we will talk about the woman who poured out her Alabaster Jar upon Jesus as a way of expressing her love and gratitude for Jesus. This act of extravagant love was criticized as being wasteful. What would our response have been, and what is our response today to God’s extravagant love for us?
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 instructs us to rejoice always and give thanks in all circumstances. But how can we do so when our circumstances are far from joyful? Stay tuned as Richard unpacks this verse in light of a lasting source of joy.
Isaiah 43:18-19
Do we really believe each day is a blessing? If we are too focused on what has happened, we can miss things right in front of us. Join us as we go through Isaiah 43:18-19. Richard will help us understand how God wants to do a "new thing" in our lives.
Matthew 15:21-28
When we desire to be heard by Jesus, He is faithful in responding to us. In today’s passage, a woman pleads desperately with Jesus to heal her sick daughter. Join us as we hear about how Jesus recognizes this woman’s great faith and ultimately responds to her pleas for mercy.
Matthew 18:21-35
What if we owed someone a million dollars? Join us as we analyzes a parable about a king and a debtor. Through this story Jesus reveals the nature of our helpless position before God — and God’s unimaginable response to our debt.
Jeremiah 29:11
When we’re going through hard times, it’s really hard to see how any good could come out of them. In today’s message, Meg brings us the story of Joni Eareckson Tada who found that indeed, God used the most discouraging situation in her life to show her true joy and the great plans He has for her, beyond what she could ever imagine.
Luke 5:27-32
Jesus calls Levi the tax collector to come and follow him which was an unspeakable thing! When he’s challenged, Jesus responds by saying that the healthy do not need a doctor but it is the sick. But what does He mean by those who are sick? We know he healed many of their physical ailments but perhaps Jesus is referring to something much deeper and more important than physical healing.